Is It Bad Luck to Plan Your Funeral in Advance?

October 29, 2021

Definitely not. In fact, if one were to ask the children and family members of those who planned their funeral in advance how they felt about their family member’s foresight they would no doubt tell you they felt very lucky indeed. 

Imagine this: your phone rings or buzzes or sings and you answer or check your messages only to find out someone you care about has died. Maybe they succumbed to a long and difficult illness or perhaps the death was caused by an accident or a sudden unexpected medical event. What happens next? If you are one of the family decision makers, you begin to come together. That coming together can mean a drive across town or it may involve booking a flight. It can mean a series of telephone calls or a Zoom style family meeting. There will be questions that need to be answered and decisions that must be made.

Where did the death occur? Who do you call to transport the body? Where will the body be taken? Which funeral home will be used? When will a service take place? Will there be burial, cremation or something else? Will there be a spiritual component? Who will prepare the death notice? Who will take care of writing the obituary? How much will everything cost and who will pay? How soon will funds be available? There will be many decisions that must be made in a short period of time.

Now, imagine there is a plan in place. Funeral arrangements have been made and paid for in advance, maybe even years before an illness was even known about. Imagine family members knowing exactly who to call, what will happen, how much it will cost and how all the services will be paid for. Luck is with those who prepare. It’s called making your own luck.

October 15, 2021
October 1, 2021
September 17, 2021
There are a million ways to say thank you. Great or small they all have value. · Decide to always just say thank you whenever you see a person in uniform.· When you see a person in uniform at the coffee shop or fast food restaurant pick up their tab if you can. · At the airport trade your first class or comfort seat for their standard seat· If you have a neighbor who is deployed offer to play catch with the kids or mow the lawn. Ask how you can help· Send a care package by contacting Operation Gratitude· Donate your old cell phone· Drive a Veteran to their doctor appointments (contact the hospital services coordinator at the local VA hospital)· Write a letter· Volunteer at a VA hospital· If you run a business hire a veteran - Hire Heroes USA· Donate dollars or time to train service dogs for veterans - Patriot Paws or Puppy Jake Foundation· Build a house for a veteran - Building Homes for HeroesBig dollars or only a few dollars, lots of time or only a little time, where there is a will there is a way to say thank you to those who serve in our Stemm-Lawson-Peterson Funeral Home and Cremation Center is a family owned and operated funeral home in Elkhart, Indiana that’s been serving families of all faiths and backgrounds since 1954. They provide families in the Michiana area with professional funeral, memorial, and cremation services that are personalized and executed to the highest standards.
August 20, 2021
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